Wednesday, January 27, 2010 Posted by Bart

A while ago I had a message on my site that there would be some disruption while I moved galleries to another host. That particular host wasn't ideal but it had a really nice user interface for displaying galleries to clients. Two things have meant I will have to move the galleries again :(

1) Lack of ordering in AUD. I could have set up purchasing which would free me from needing to fulfil orders myself, a process that is both time consuming and prone to errors, but the site would only accept USD. Not ideal and a turn off for clients, thus I was using them for hosting only. Recent communication indicates that not only are they not working on non-US currency's but won't be for the foreseeable future.

2) An Australian focused image gallery with print ordering system and accounting tools has become operational to the point of exceeding the options provided by my current host. This means beautiful galleries for clients and ability to order prints directly with a credit card or paypal.

So....without further ado, I move the galleries once again (and hopefully for the last time for a while). Clients past, present and future will be notified of gallery location as they are loaded up.

Thanks for patience and understanding.

...and some images

Sunday, January 24, 2010 Posted by Bart

As promised, an image from Norfolk Island

Norfolk Coastline

For more images, check out the set in my flickr stream.

I'll be adding to it as I go through and process the files.

Norfolk Island

Thursday, January 21, 2010 Posted by Bart

Spent the afternoon shooting with Robin Nisbet on Norfolk Island. Wonderful guy and even if he thought I already knew my stuff I still learn't a thing or two...if nothing else it was a good change to take some great photos. Will publish a photo or two when I'm back on the mainland and have gone through all the images.

Such a photogenic island and so close and accessible to Australians.


Wednesday, January 13, 2010 Posted by Bart

There's a saying that the best camera is the one that's with you.

To that end I've been taking pics with my iPhone and uploading them using a little app called Best Camera to

My own little slice of this ecosystem is here which I try to add to at least once a day.

Apps I use to edit iPhone images include Cool fx, CameraBag, TiltShiftGen and of course, Best Camera itself.

Try it out...better than not having a camera on you at all.

The starting point...

Wednesday, January 13, 2010 Posted by Bart

Everything needs a starting point. Every piece of art, every painting, every drawing starts as a blank canvas. Every photo starts as an unexposed square of film (or used to...these days it’s an unexposed digital sensor). Nothing ever comes into this world whole and complete, instead being built piece by piece and growing over time. With this nothing is ever complete, as with growing over time, so does everything continue to grow if given the chance. At various points in time one can take a snapshot...a record of the current state...but then time moves on and things continue to grow.

I’ve been taking photos for a bit over 15 years now with various cameras and camera skills. Growing over time with experience and helped along the way with the insight and teachings of others. The digital age as brought with it an increased interest in photography which as a whole can only be a good thing.

From here I continue my photographic journey. This particular starting point has been preceded by many events photographically, from early astro-photography and sports to landscapes and through to portraits and wedding photography.

I guess the simple message of all this is....I’m not just another person with a camera.
